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【3/18 | アジア美術トーク】* See English below

美術作家から革命家へ―植民地時代から共産主義時代(1945-1954)の北ベトナムにて 第一次インドシナ戦争(1946-1954年)が起きた時、北ベトナムの美術作家の多くは、フランスによる占領に立ち向かう共産主義革命を支持し、共に闘いました。しかしこうした美術作家の多くは、フランスが設立した植民地時代の美術学校で1920年代から40年代にかけ教育を受けた人々でした。美術作家たちは、物資が欠乏し、危険と背中合わせで、さらに思想的な操作も強まる戦時下において作品をつくり続けました。そして複雑かつ新しい社会的・政治的地平を形づくる過程で、植民地時代の教育を見直し、自らの作品や展覧会、そして美術教育との向き合い方も再考しなければなりませんでした。
 美術作家たちはどのようにして社会の革命に参加していったのでしょうか? このトークでは、北ベトナムのベトミン支配地域で活動していた美術作家やその生徒たちが経験したことを見つめます。

Lecture on the Vietnamese art by the curator of National Gallery, Singapore
Becoming Revolutionary: Artists in North Vietnam between Colonialism and Communism, 1945-1954
Date: Saturday, 18 March 15:00-16:30
Venue: Open Studio (8F)
*Admission Free *No reservation required *English-Japanese translation available
Our second lecture in March will be provided by Phoebe Scott (Curator, National Gallery, Singapore). She is a specialist in Vietnamese art and has supported us in our "Vietnam on my mind" exhibition. Please do not miss this rare opportunity to learn the Vietnamese art in Fukuoka :)

Becoming Revolutionary: Artists in North Vietnam between Colonialism and Communism, 1945-1954During the First Indochina War (1946-1954), many artists in North Vietnam were involved in supporting the communist-led Revolution against French colonial control. However, the most senior of these artists had in fact trained in the colonial-period art school established by the French in Hanoi, from the 1920s-1940s. How did they “become” revolutionary artists? This talk will look at the experiences of these artists and their students, working in the Viet Minh-controlled zones in the north of Vietnam. These artists made their work in a period of wartime scarcity and danger, as well as increasing ideological control. They had to re-evaluate their approach to their artwork, as well as to art exhibitions and education, assessing their colonial past while they navigated a complex new socio-political terrain.

Phoebe Scott (Curator, National Gallery, Singapore)
ブイ・シュアン・ファイ(1920-89年) 革命的芸術文化誌『Văn nghệ』の表紙
Print by Bùi Xuân Phái, on the cover of the revolutionary Arts and Culture magazine (Văn nghệ), 1951
グエン・シィ・ゴック《椀》1951年 漆絵、80x60㎝、ハノイ美術館所蔵
Nguyễn Sỹ Ngọc, The Bowl, 1951, Lacquer, 80x60cm, Vietnam Fine Arts Museum, Hanoi