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ロンドンのアジア作家展③ テート・ブリテンでアンワル・シェムザのコーナー展示 Asian Artists' Exhibitions in London-3: Anwar Shemza at Tate Britain

テート・ブリンテンの「スポットライト」展示。パキスタン出身で1956年より英国で活動。モダニズムとイスラム的な装飾性や伝統工芸の美学を融合。BP Spotlight at Tate Britain. Shemza, born in in Pakistan, was active in UK since 1956. In his paintings, he fused the modernism style with decorative forms and aesthetic in traditional crafts. 

A big monograph has been published, written by Iftikhar Dadi, FT1 artist and whose works are collected by FAAM, among others.

アジ美所蔵作家のラシード・アライーンが1989年に企画して歴史的な展覧会「別の物語 戦後英国のアフリカ系・アジア系作家」にシェムザも出品、図録の表紙に使われた。
Shemza's workes were exhibited in a landmark exhibition curated by Rasheed Araeen, whose works are in FAAM collection, The Other Story:  Afro-Asian Artists in Post-War Britain in 1989. Shemza's painting appeared in the catalogue cover.
